Factors to Make Your Ecommerce Venture Click and How KP Webtech Can Help You

A successful ecommerce business is the sum of a lot of moving parts – the quality of the products on the website, the customer service offered, the awareness drives and marketing initiatives and many more such aspects. It is a tricky game which requires insight and experience in every angle. The key lies in marketing using the correct combination of techniques and tools to achieve success and as a leading Ecommerce development company in Chennai and SEO services company in Chennai, KP Webtech offers some practical and useful tips and tricks below.

SEO for Ecommerce Websites

Why is SEO important for ecommerce?

With the pandemic having struck, a lot of transformation has happened in the digital space with more people logging online to fulfil even their basic needs. Thus, it is a red-hot time to position yourself in front of audiences and ensure that you are able to create a positive impression. This is only possible with SEO and paid Google adwords.

What are visitors then looking for?

Visitors are short on patience and any landing from a search result on a page that does not directly relate to them irritates them. The visitor then moves away and your bounce rate increases. Particularly in the case of ecommerce, if visitors land directly on a single product page, they are most likely to bounce. This is because, they have to move back and forth between search results to the single product page. So optimizing all aspects of an ecommerce site, right from the landing page to the single product page is extremely important.

A good case study in this regard is Amazon seo strategy (the masters themselves, who else?). They direct the visitor to a product landing page in most cases and have a detailed single product page, with multiple choices and related options all available on the same page. This ensures that people ‘stick’ and go through the information rather than bouncing away. As a leading web design company in Chennai, KP Webtech pays close attention to even the smallest factors to design to ensure that your ecommerce venture is a success.

Why Does SEO Matter for Ecommerce

Content Quality

Imagine going to an ecommerce website and finding only images. Let us say that you as a user want to buy a shoe or a t-shirt. You will obviously be interested in what is the material and whether it is manufactured in an eco-friendly fashion etc. If you find only image son that page, then obviously the user will get irritated.

Further, with regard to SEO, content is king. Content needs to be original and the search spider is clever enough to find and reject plagiarised content. Hence, it is vital that you invest in good content. Further, good content in the page will also enhance the product value and bring out its uniqueness. An ecommerce venture has many competitors and hence, reaching your prospective audience will make you the most preferred partner. Additional blogs, wall posts, newsletters and other content marketing strategies will help you make your mark in the long and short term.

KP Webtech offers the best SEO optimized content writing in Chennai. We have the best content writers and assure all our customers 100% plagiarism free content that resonates with audiences. After all, if we are SEO experts in Chennai and the leading SEO company in Chennai, what can we be without wholesome and good content to support?

Use Graphics Cleverly

If you are looking for digital marketing on Instagram or even banner ads or anything graphical, the key is to stand out from the crowd. That said, your text must resonate with the graphic image and both must be able to move a consumer to take action. The best campaigns get to the root of a customer need or explain the product in an interesting way. As the best graphics design company in Chennai, KP Webtech has been a part and continues to be a part of many winning campaigns and our strength lies in our skill with images and content!

Infographics and information bits are another strategy to attract attention. Creating a good infographic takes time to create but is worth the effort. Not only does the above require skill, it also requires an SEO company in Chennai to understand how these aspects can also be bent to suit your needs and drive traffic. No worries, KP Webtech, the best SEO experts in Chennai, is here to help you.

Ecommerce Website Development Company in Chennai

Web Development Matters

Google is constantly tweaking its algorithm and the latest update on core web vitals is another testament to the importance that it places to coding quality, design and development. Click data, site speed, backlinks, headers, content quality all go into making a web page successful. So if you want to achieve a result at the top, having clean code is vital.

As the best ecommerce development company in Chennai, KP Webtech brings key know how to help ecommerce ventures succeed. We ensure that the architecture is sound and the information organized to ensure that all pages are easily and readily indexed. Content filtering options are intuitive and each website is designed with user focus and your unique business needs in mind. This means that you are directly able to tick all the boxes in Google’s ranking factors and achieve a reliable and stable organic position in the long run.


All in all, it is not that e-commerce should be a playground of the rich and that other players must just be sellers and vendors on their platform. By linking with the right development partner and implementing a vision with strategic focus, any company can succeed in this venture. KP Webtech is one of the best web development companies in Chennai and we have a broad range of experts and consultants on our rolls. This has given us the leading edge and made us one of the best SEO companies in Chennai and a top firm for ecommerce development in Chennai.

Do you want to get a world-beating solution? Contact us now!

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